Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Greetings

This is my first Christmas as mayor and it is indeed a merry one. The City of Olivia is able to cut down and chop up all the trees damaged by the July storms instead of moving snow which is our usual December activity.  As a holiday traveler I appreciate the clear highways and the ease of getting around to our many destinations.  I am sure the snow will eventually be upon us and it will force us to stop.  School will be late or cancelled. We will just have to let it snow, and then will dig out like we do every winter.  We will then enjoy all our snow activities.  This week, however, I will enjoy the brown Christmas, it doesn’t happen too often. 
My wish is for everyone to have a safe and Merry Christmas.  Enjoy every moment with your loved ones, treasure those near and send the warmest of blessings to those far from you during this Holiday Season.  Drive safely, and remember every destination will still be there in another few minutes so we want to see everyone after the Holidays.

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